Hi guys,
Today we'll gonna talk about new release game For Honor auto block cheat, mod and hack. “For Honor’s” combat revolves around what Ubisoft calls its “Art of Battle” system. Press the lock-on button, and a three-piece shield appears on screen representing the directions you’re guarding against or attacking from.
Hold the lock-on button and move the right stick to the left, for instance, and your character will get in position to block incoming attacks or swing from the left. There are only two kind of attacks, light and heavy. Seems simple enough, right?
When you get into real-time combat, though, you quickly realize that the tutorial was tee ball and you’re now in the majors. Other players change their stances in the middle of attacks, chain different moves together and force you to react in kind or be cut down in seconds. Sure, you can button mash and get lucky a few times, but this fighting system actually takes skill to use.
For Honor’s online mode is built around an overarching seasons system, the three warring factions competing against each other to control ground. You can attack or defend territories by sending in war assets, earned through your performance during each online match. Faction Wars are made up of Territory Updates (which occur every six hours), Rounds (which last two weeks), and Seasons (which span 10 weeks). Essentially, the better you play the more help you can give to your faction, which in turn will mean it has a better chance of gaining territory.
Who controls what ground is determined at the end of each Territory Update, and maps inside each zone are updated visually to reflect the changes in power. Rewards of gear and cosmetic items are handed out to players after each Round and Season, with the quality determined by where your faction stands. Once a Season is over the entire game resets, although Ubisoft has said that the results will have a long term impact on the game – how that plays out won’t be known for a couple of months.
When playing multiplayer matches you can gain more XP and Steel by completing orders – tasks that are either set daily by the game or assigned from a list. Perform 10 honourable kills in Dominion matches, for example, and you’ll earn an extra 1,000 XP and 100 Steel. These orders cover online matches and fights against AI, so there’s something for everyone. Steel and Scavenge (collected items you no longer need can be converted) can be used to upgrade equipment. For Honor does include numerous optional microtransactions, covering Steel and Gear.
Is it possible to cheat in For Honor? Yes indeed cheating is possible. Auto Action Scripts can be used to automatically dodge attacks, counter attack, go into guard stance ect. Scripts are kind of the Aimbot of fighting games and Hack and Slash games. There are also certain Hacks at the moment that allow for speed increase (speedhack), warping, minor teleports and map clips, but Auto scripts are actually what you want. Auto dodge and auto block scripts being the most popular that allow you to automatically block and counter any attack at the holding down of a button/key. Cheating is possible on all platforms including PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows PC.
Hacks in the conventional sense aren’t the most powerful cheat to use in For Honor at this time, since this is an online hack and slash PvP game and all the important player data, such as your steel (money), your cosmetic items, gear, level, unlocked characters ect are stored on the Ubisoft servers and cannot be hacked. – With other words there are no God Mode cheats, no unlimited money, no character unlockers and no free gear boxes to be had.
Automated user input is arguably the most powerful cheat in For Honor available out there: Since the PvP is incredibly skill based, based around knowledge of each character and how to use their combos and how they fare against other heroes. While no bot or script can learn all the knowledge, they can augment player reaction time by automatically performing actions such as blocking / parry attacks, using abilities such as heals, throwing people off of cliffs automatically, auto attacking and auto dodging. While no AI will ever compare to an actual good human player, they are tools that can give you literally super human reaction times that are only limited by your ping.
On PC macros and scripts can be easily created using macro editors, macro programming tools and can easily be run to read the game memory and generate user input. On Xbox One / PS4 one requires either a packet editing proxy or a hacked console that is able to run unsigned code.
● Detect incoming attack(only from the one that locked onto you)
● Auto Block incoming attack
● Auto Parry
● Auto Forward Dodge(for deflecting if parry is also active)
● Auto Guardbreak
Click the link below to download the file which contain a bunch of list latest For Honor Auto Block script
Below the video how to download the file
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